Mission Statement: To help humanity with our relationships, thoughts, emotions, behavior and expressions. This includes: Lessons from history, cultures, politics and world religions.and living L.I.F.E. Join us as we seek to comprehend and clarify the Bible and decode church lingo. How then shall we live?
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Love someone for their personality, attitude and spirit,
who they are inside, not just their looks.
If you are sexually attracted to someone,
then they become a sex object
and the relationship is degraded.
Sex is sacred joy.
Sex outside of marriage breaks the law of chasity
and breaks hearts.
Sexual passion should remain inside the bonds of marriage.
Television and movies promote all kinds of sex,
because sexuality sells.
Sex sells products, movies, fashion and makeup.
Whores and many celebrities sell sex for quick access to a lot of money.
And they pay a huge price for selling their bodies.
Make good decisions
with your relationships
as they will affect your future families
and our future generations.
Just say "No, Thank You" to porn, premarital and extra-marital sex.
Ref: Relief Society
z. 0609 p. 1909
The Book of Job
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? - Job 38 Does the hawk fly by your wisdom? - Job 39 /2024oct13, T118, 586 BC
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? - Job 38 Does the hawk fly by your wisdom? - Job 39 /2024oct13, T118, 586 BC
Spiritual Gifts are Like Flowers What a beautiful observation! Yes, the spiritual gifts can be likened to a garden of vibrant flowers, e...
Greek Mythology 700 BC Homer and Hesiod established Greek Mythology about 700 BC. Stories explaining the origins of the world: ...