Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ


Names of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ

  1. Simon (also known as Peter)

  2. Andrew (Peter's brother)

  3. James (son of Zebedee and John's brother)

  4. John (son of Zebedee and James’ brother)

  5. Philip (friend of Bartholomew/Nathanael)

  6. Bartholomew (friend of Philip; the Gospel of John refers him as Nathanael)

  7. Matthew (the publican, or Levi son of Alphaeus[6])

  8. Thomas (also called "Didymus" (lit. "twin"), a Greek calque of his Hebrew name)[7]

  9. James (son of Alphaeus to distinguish him from James son of Zebedee)

  10. Simon (the Canaanite)

  11. Judas Iscariot (son of Simon Iscariot;[8] the characterization "Iscariot" is used to distinguish him from Jude the Apostle)

  12. Jude (also Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus;[citation needed] sometimes called "Judas of Jacob";[citation needed] "Judas the Zealot" in some translations[9])


New Testament Individuals 


The Disciples 


Evolution of God

    The Evolution of God