Monday, October 14, 2024

The Book of Job


Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? - Job 38

Does the hawk fly by your wisdom? - Job 39

/2024oct13, T118, 586 BC

How to Study the Bible for Beginners

Read for 5 minutes.
Read one chapter, reread it and ponder it throughout the day.
Be sure to read everyday.

1. Observe

2. Apply

1. Observe - what do I see?


A - Where - locations

B - What - actions

C - When - time

D - Who - characters

E - Why - purpose


T - Terms - Subject: love, hope, joy, fruit (what)

A - Adjectives/Adverbs - Descriptive

C - Connectives - connecting words: and, for, afterward; however, but - change direction, steer

T - Verb Tenses - past, present, future


2. Apply to your life


S - what SIN to avoid?

P - what PROMISE is given?

E - what EXAMPLE to follow?

C - what COMMAND to obey?

T - what TRUTH to know?

R - what to REPENT about?

U - what UPSIDE to embrace?

M - what MOMENT of gratitude?

Read the New Testament, one gospel and all of Paul's letters

Ref: YouTube IVM - Impact Video Ministries


Friday, October 4, 2024

Spiritual Gifts are Like Flowers


Spiritual Gifts are Like Flowers

What a beautiful observation!
Yes, the spiritual gifts can be likened to a garden of vibrant flowers,
each with its unique beauty, fragrance, and purpose.
Just as a garden requires nurturing and care to flourish,
our spiritual gifts need attention, development, and exercise to reach their full potential.

In this garden of spiritual gifts:

1 - Prophecy is like a bold, bright sunflower, shining light and guidance.

2 - Service is like a gentle, supportive lavender, offering care and comfort.

3 - Teaching is like a wise, majestic oak tree, providing shade and insight.

4 - Exhortation is like a vibrant, encouraging daffodil, lifting spirits and hope.

5 - Giving is like a generous, fragrant rose, sharing love and resources.

6 - Leadership is like a strong, guiding evergreen, directing and protecting.

7 - Mercy is like a soothing, gentle lily, bringing peace and compassion.

8 - Hospitality is like a warm, inviting geranium, welcoming and nurturing.

9 - Administration is like a skilled, organized orchid, streamlining and managing.

10 - Discernment is like a perceptive, intuitive iris, sensing and revealing truth.

11 - Healing is like a restorative, soothing aloe vera, bringing wholeness and health.

12 - Faith is like a steadfast, trusting succulent, anchoring and persevering.

13 - Wisdom is like a discerning, insightful orchid, applying knowledge & experience.

14 - Helps is like a supportive, versatile vine, assisting and augmenting.

May this garden of spiritual gifts flourish in your life and the lives of those around you!

Imagine spiritual gifts like flowers

✨❤️ Beautiful! Let's imagine the spiritual gifts as a vibrant bouquet, each flower representing a unique gift:

- Prophecy: Sunflower 🌻 

- Service: Lavender

- Teaching: Oak Tree 

- Exhortation: Daffodil 

(vibrant, encouraging, and hopeful)

- Giving: Rose 🌹 

(generous, Sharing love and resources)

- Leadership: Evergreen 🌲 

(strong, bold, and guiding)

- Mercy: Lily 

(pure, compassionate, and soothing)

- Hospitality: Geranium 

(warm, welcoming, and vibrant)

- Administration: Orchid 

(organized, sleek, and efficient)

- Discernment: Iris 

(perceptive, intuitive, and revealing)

- Healing: Aloe Vera 

(restorative, soothing, and calming)

- Faith: Succulent 

(steadfast, resilient, and anchoring)

- Wisdom: Orchid 

(discerning, insightful, and applied)

- Helps: Vine 

(supportive, versatile, and augmenting)


May this bouquet of spiritual gifts inspire and bless you! ✨


/2024sep12, 2024oct04, spiritual gifts, flowers, summary

Spiritual Gifts - Adults vs Students


Spiritual Gifts - Adults vs Students

/2024sep12, 2024oct04

God Forgives


God is not like people.
When you abuse someone, they grow distant from you.
Because you hurt them.

God cannot be hurt.
He weathers the storms of rage.
He stays steady and firm like the Rock of Gilbralter.
Stay close to God.
Have God on your side.

/2024sep16, 2024oct04, forgive, forgives, forgiveness, Psalm 51, Pastor Rick, daily devotional

Spiritual Gifts Explained


All spiritual gifts explained in less than 10 minutes.
IVM - Impact Video Ministries
Introduction, Overview
Impact Video Ministries
/2024sep12, 2024oct04

Jacob's 12 Tribes and Dinah


12 Sons of Jacob = 12 Tribes of Israel

The Bible is patriarchal.  In the Old Testament, women were considered property. And men inherited land.  Jacob fathered 13 children from 4 women. 12 were boys and 1 was a girl. Her name was Dinah.

Jacob's Ladder - Jacob is renamed Israel.

The 12 sons inherited the promised land, which composes the country of Israel.

What happened to Dinah? - Gen 34

/2017jan17, 2024oct04

Epoch Systems, Calendars


Epoch Systems

An epoch, in computing, is a fixed date and time used as a reference from which a computer measures time. An epoch is also an instant in time that marks the beginning of a calendar era.

There is no year zero in this scheme; thus the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus but was not widely used until the 9th century. For computational reasons, astronomical year numbering and the ISO 8601 standard designate years so that AD 1 = year 1, 1 BC = year 0, 2 BC = year −1, etc.


There are thousands of calendars in history and currently in use.  The Gregorian Calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today. It has been the unofficial GLOBAL STANDARD for decades. In United States, the year 2024 refers to 2024 years since the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a historical figure who is key to TIME and how time is measured.

Pragmatic uses of the Gregorian Calendar worldwide:

  • International communications
  • Transportation
  • Commercial integration
  • United Nations

Anno Domini (AD) counts the years since the birth of Jesus Christ.

The terms anno Domini (AD) and before Christ (BC)[a] are used when designating years in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The term anno Domini is Medieval Latin and means "in the year of the Lord"

This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus, AD counting years from the start of this epoch and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme; thus the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus but was not widely used until the 9th century.


Anno Domini (A.D.) - wikipedia -

Off Topic:

I was a Y2K programmer analyst at the turn of the century.

And then I made calendars for 20 years.  

/2016dec15, 2024oct04, B90, the Bible in 90 Days, Exodus

Song - The Love of God



Song - The Love of God - Mercy Me

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry

Nor could the scroll contain the whole

Though stretched from sky to sky


Give Me the Bible


Give Me the Bible - by Kenneth Cox

60 videos, about 35 to 45 minutes each

Presented by Billy Johnson on YouTube

This is the last seminar Kenneth Cox did. Kenneth spent his whole life sharing the message around the world. Kenneth died in 2019... If you watch all the presentations, you will have a very good understanding of the Bible.

Presentation 1-5 are about salvation.
Presentation 6-10 is about the second coming of Christ.
Presentation 11-15 is about the Holy Spirit.
Presentation 16-20 is about the Sabbath.
Presentation 21-25 is about prophecy. 5 have fallen.
Presentation 26-30 is about prophecy also.
Presentation 31-35 is about life in the son.
Presentation 36-40 is about the judgment.
Presentation 41-45 is about your Bible and you.
Presentation 46-50 is about the Elijah message.
Presentation 51-55 is about the church.
Presentation 56-60 is about Jesus.


I have watched each of these videos about 3 to 4 times. 

I learn visually and there are a wealth of images for many Bible verses.

Pastor Cox is excellent at explaining concepts of the Bible in layman's terms.

Transcripts -

What the Bible can do for you - 

Pagan Rome - Revelation ch 17 -

Is Seventh Day Adventists a Cult? -   

/2015, 2024sep10, 3ABN, Pastor Kenneth Cox

Bridge Metaphor


Bridge Metaphor - Romans 6:23

"For the wages of sin is death,
the gift of God
is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Confess your sins to God
and surrender your life to him.

/2024sep01, 2024oct04, confess, sins, surrender, sin, death, gift, eternal life

Church Lingo



Adultery - Being unfaithful to one's spouse. Having sex with another outside of the marriage.

Appoint - arrange - God a. a whale to swallow Jonah - jonah

Angel - messenger, good and bad, lesser than humans, no free will, like the wind - heb 1

Ark of the Covenant - a box containing the 10 commandments, Covenant between God and Moses


Babylon - confusion - rev

Belief - attitude towards, superstition

Belief - trust, confidence, fidelity - rom 3.24

Belief - faith - rom. 3.24

Blessed - happy

Blessings - praise, gift, elegance of language - rom 3.24

Bloodshed - sacrifice - rom 3.24

Bondservant - you be my God, I'll be your people - Cox, Latter Rain


Commit - to practice evil, sinful things

Compassion - to have mercy

Compassion - sympathy and concern for others, desire to alleviate suffering

Confess - To pray to God, and say how you have sinned.

Confess - to lance the boil, to pop the pimple - Cox

Covenant - Testament, Old and New, 1st covenant was between Abraham and God. God promised land and descendants. The first covenant is outdated, obsolete. The 2nd covenant is everlasting (jer 31.31-34) 

Covet - crave, to want someone else's wife

Crucifixion -  Jesus' death on the cross


Deliver - to send, to another realm

Deliverance - salvation

Deliverance - welfare, prosperity, preservation - rom 3.24

Delivery - hand over responsibility to - business 101


Faith - belief - rom 3.24

Faith - confidence, trust - heb 11.1 - courage, the opposite of fear

Faith - unlocks the door, the key, to heaven - Cox

Fear - awe, the opposite of faith, trust, courage

Fear - danger, calamity, risk - jonah

Fornication - spiritual worship of idols - Rafferty

Fornication - sex outside of marriage

Furnace - fiery trials, Jesus is always with us - daniel, Rafferty

Forsake - abandon, to leave you, to walk away from a relationship, to die


Glorification - future, in the presence of God, in the kingdom of God - heb 11, Chuck Missler

Glory - honor, splendor, character of God - rom 3.24

Glory - brightness

Glory - halo around a person

Glory - heavy, majesty, judgment, reputation

Glory - showing God's presence

Glory - righteousness - Cox

Grace - charming, kind

Grace - God's favor, salvation

Grace - blessings for Jesus Christ - rom 3.24

Grace - is a free gift - rom 3.24


HP - Higher Power, High Priest - Al Anon, Rafferty

High Priest - Jesus

Holy - sacred - rom 3.24

Holy - separate from impurity and sin - rom 3.24

Holy of Holies - The most sacred area in the tabernacle and the temple, contains the ark


Jesus - high priest, higher power - Rafferty

Jesus - son of God

Jesus' blood - wine - mark 14.23, Rafferty

Jesus' glory - the sun - Cox

Jesus' righteousness - the sun - malichi 4.2

Jonah - fled from God, 2nd chance - jonah

Josiah - good king, save the Bible - Josiah

Jude - creepers, false teachers go to hell - jude

Justification - past, salvation - separation from the penalty of sin - heb 11, Chuck Missler 

Justified - plead for innocence - rom 3.24

Justify - justice, legal, scales, balance, the scale is justified when both sides are equal and balanced. Declared righteous, balanced. 


Kingdom of God - Return of Jesus Christ - rom 3.24

Kingdom of God - in the hearts of believers - rom 3.24


Mercy - forgiveness, paid the price, wages

Mercy - God gives 2nd chances, undeserved - jonah

Mercy - compassion, pity - rom 3.24

Mercy seat - lid of the ark of the covenant - rom 3.24

Moon goddess - queen of Babylon, Ishtar - Cox, Babylon


Propitiation - sin offering, covering - rom 3.24

Propitiation - appease the wrath of a god - rom 3.24

Propitiation - atoning sacrifice. Atonement. At-one-ment. via Jesus on the cross and Easter. Jesus' sacrifice ONCE FOR ALL. We become AT-ONE with God. The relationships among Christians and God is mended.  The WRATH of God is satisfied by Jesus' sacrificial death. Jesus took humanity's punishment, that was inflicted in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.  This REDEEMS our lives and we are RECONCILED with God.


Reconcile - to move from hurt and brokenness in a relationship to a place of healing, wholeness, forgiveness and reunion.

Redeem - Adam and Eve sinned, so humans became slaves to sin (rom 6.23).  Jesus died then rose from death to pay the price, to redeem us, from the slavery of sin. 

Redemption - ransom paid. release happens - rom 3.24

Redemption - buy back something, that was forfeited, lost - rom 3.24

Redemption - repurchase, win back - rom 3.24

Redemption - distance from idols - rom 3.24

Redemption a - God's grace - rom 3.24

Redemption b - purchased from debt of sin

Redemption c - brought to being in Christ

Redemption x - metaphor DELIVERANCE by Jesus' crucifixion

Redemption y - wrath of our Holy God

Redemption z - we deserve to be punished

Redemption - Jesus paid the price of our sins. He sacrificed his blood by death. The new covenant, the New Testament, the new law, made the Old Testament obsolete. This is like an executive order by the President.  A will can be replaced by the Last Will and Testament and becomes effective upon the death of Jesus. Then Christians INHERIT the Kingdom of God, and have the opportunity to go to heaven. The INHERITANCE is FORGIVENESS --- ONCE FOR ALL (Christians).

Relent - change mind, God changes his mind

Repent - To be Godly sorry, to stop that behavior and to repair damages.

Repent - Jonah prays inside whale, vows - jonah

Repentance - an honest, regretful acknowledgement of sin with commitment to change.

Righteous - comes by faith. KEY

Righteous - ethical conduct

Righteous - glory - Cox

Righteous - gift from Jesus - Cox

Righteous - honesty and love - 1 john 2

Righteous - freedom from sin - rom 3.24

Righteous - the scale of justice, our good works are so light. God's righteousness is so heavy.  Jesus on my side levels the scale with God.

Righteousness - just, the gift of justice


Salvation - to be saved by God and Jesus, to be destined to heaven 

Salvation - deliverance, safety - rom 3.24

Salvation - to rescue, to save - rom 3.24

Salvation - from destruction into God's hands - rom 3.24

Salvation - inheritance after the return of Jesus Christ - rom 3.24

Sanctification - now, salvation - power of sin, ongoing process, changes us - heb 11, Chuck Missler

Sin - Mistakes that have injured others, offending others, crimes, behavior, selfish, greedy 

Sin - offense, do wrong

Sin - miss the mark, archer.  Then forfeit - rom 3.24

Son of God - Jesus

Sun - righteousness of Jesus - malachi 4.2

Sun God - king of Babylon - Cox


Tabernacle - tent, made to exact specifications for worship. Used by Moses.

Truth - fidelity


Walk in the light - honesty - 1 john

Wine - blood of Jesus - mark 14, Rafferty

/2023jan08, 2024oct04

The Book of Job

  Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? - Job 38 Does the hawk fly by your wisdom? - Job 39 /2024oct13, T118, 586 BC