Read one chapter, reread it and ponder it throughout the day.
Be sure to read everyday.
1. Observe
2. Apply
1. Observe - what do I see?
A - Where - locations
B - What - actions
C - When - time
D - Who - characters
E - Why - purpose
T - Terms - Subject: love, hope, joy, fruit (what)
A - Adjectives/Adverbs - Descriptive
C - Connectives - connecting words: and, for, afterward; however, but - change direction, steer
T - Verb Tenses - past, present, future
2. Apply to your life
S - what SIN to avoid?
P - what PROMISE is given?
E - what EXAMPLE to follow?
C - what COMMAND to obey?
T - what TRUTH to know?
R - what to REPENT about?
U - what UPSIDE to embrace?
M - what MOMENT of gratitude?
Read the New Testament, one gospel and all of Paul's letters
Ref: YouTube IVM - Impact Video Ministries